GCP Workload Identity

Watchanon Numnam
1 min readDec 30, 2021
  1. Enable IAM Credential API
  2. Create new Cluster with Workload Identity enabled
gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \

3. Create Kubernetes Service Account (KSA) for your application

kubectl create serviceaccount KSA_NAME \
--namespace K8S_NAMESPACE

4. Config application to use Kubernetes Service Account

serviceAccountName: KSA_NAME

5. Create an Google Service Account (GSA)

gcloud iam service-accounts create GSA_NAME

6. Grant roles to your GSA

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
--member "serviceAccount:GSA_NAME@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
--role "ROLE_NAME"

7. Allow Kubernetes Service Account (KSA) to impersonate the Google Service Account by creating an IAM Policy Binding

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding GSA_NAME@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
--member "serviceAccount:PROJECT_ID.svc.id.goog[K8S_NAMESPACE/KSA_NAME]"

8. Add the `iam.gke.io/gcp-service-account=GSA_NAME@PROJECT_ID` annotation to Kubernetes Service Account, using email address of IAM Service Account

kubectl annotate serviceaccount KSA_NAME \
--namespace K8S_NAMESPACE \

9. Verify

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: workload-identity-test
namespace: K8S_NAMESPACE
- image: google/cloud-sdk:slim
name: workload-identity-test
command: ["sleep","infinity"]
serviceAccountName: KSA_NAME

Create Pod

kubectl apply -f wi-test.yaml


kubectl exec -it workload-identity-test \
--namespace K8S_NAMESPACE -- /bin/bash
curl -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"

